#平面設計 #Graphic Design
Line Today 對症下藥
Line Today Event Visual Design
專案背景 Project Background
The majority of Taiwanese voters base their voting decisions primarily on "party identification." Through the general election campaign, we aim to guide voters to understand the election process, get to know the candidates and take an interest in local politics during local elections.
專案目標 Project Goal
Increase brand awareness and enhance interaction with users.
活動機制 Event Approaches
針對對於大選運作不熟悉,或是對使用公民權充滿熱忱的 20-30 歲年輕選民,透過大選 Quiz 互動機制,推廣 Line Today 大選策展內容,並增加社群操作的擴散性
Promote Line Today's general election curated content and increase the viral nature of social media engagement through an interactive mechanism such as a general election quiz. This approach aims to target young voters in the 20-30 age group who may be unfamiliar with the workings of general elections but are passionate about exercising their civic rights.
設計概念 Design Concept
設計風格部分,則是考慮活動 TA 年齡層較低,採用較多圓潤的形狀構圖,並使用黑色邊線勾勒角色,希望帶入卡通的活潑與俏皮感,平衡活較專業成熟的議題。​​​​​​​
The theme of the event revolves around a combination of "Quiz Activity" and "Election," with supporting copy related to "medicine." Therefore, the visual concept aims to portray the imagery of a traditional Chinese herbal medicine shop. Within this context, elements and symbols related to "Quiz Activity" and "Election" will be incorporated, such as question marks, answering, raising hands, ballot papers, stamps, and more.
Regarding the design style, considering the younger age group of the target audience, a composition with rounded shapes will be utilized. The characters will be outlined with black borders, bringing in a lively and playful cartoon-like feel while balancing the more mature and professional aspects of the topic.

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