#包裝設計 #Packaging design
2021 Dcard 中秋禮盒
Moon Festival Package
✨ 專案背景 Project background
在中秋節期間,Dcard 廣告團隊希望能向與 Dcard 有商業合作的客戶表達感謝之情並送出禮物。
Dcard's advertising team has a gifting requirement during the Moon Festival to express gratitude to the clients who have collaborated with Dcard in business.
✨ 設計概念 Concept
外盒包裝的設計也想讓使用者更好理解送杯子的含義,因此很清楚的表現「乾杯」這個情境,除了表達合作愉快之意,也邀請大家中秋佳節一同舉杯望明月 🌕​​​​​​​
For the Moon Festival, when we think of it, words like "reunion," "mooncakes," and "barbecue" come to mind. During this special occasion of gathering with family and friends, it's customary to raise a toast and enjoy some drinks. Therefore, apart from mooncakes, the gift box will also include a cute cup.
The design of the outer packaging aims to convey the meaning behind gifting a cup clearly. It will depict a cheerful "cheers" scene, representing the joy of collaboration and inviting everyone to raise their cups together under the full moon during the Moon Festival. 

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